Monday, August 19, 2013

A small break or rather a dislocated shoulder

So, I dislocated my left shoulder slipping on the floor and tore a couple of ligaments.  8 hours in Emergency and I have been put in a sling, ordered off the cello playing for a week (not that I COULD play anyway because it HURTS and I can't lift my arm enough to settle them on the strings), and then physio on the shoulder after that. Hopefully, I will be back to playing in a couple of weeks.

My poor cello lays sleeping in its soft case on the floor.  I haven't had the heart to unpack it and put it on its stand.  I miss playing.  My hand misses the bow curled in its fingers.  My arms the pressure of the bow on its string.  I can see callouses I never noticed before on my left hand fingers and can feel the loss of sensation that comes with them except for when I am placing them on the strings.  Music sits unplayed and unopened on sidetables.

It is quiet.


  1. It is quiet, for now, but just think of all that 'potential music' waiting to get out...

  2. A virtual symphony of screechy strings, growly notes and a touch too much passion and excitement? :)

    Thank you for your always positive point of view Peter! :)

  3. Dislocating your shoulder and not being able to do the things you love because of the injury is really unfortunate. But hey, it's great news that your shoulder has now healed and that you are able to play your beloved cello again! Congratulations!
    Sienna @ Fort Lauderdale Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

    1. Thanks Sienna! I have to give a big shout out to my fabulous physio who worked really hard to get me back to where I needed to be. I am certainly glad I went and followed the prescribed course of action and exercises (which I am still going through at the moment...who would have thought it would take so long for a shoulder to heal!!!!!)
